On the following page you will find teaching material for Physical Eduacation classes.
For physical education it is not as easy as with other subjects to find teaching material for the interactuve whiteboards because usually you don' have a whiteboard in the gym.
But I still try to give as many ideas as possible, some of them might also be used with a usual powerpoint presentation but it's also possible to use it for the whiteboard.

1. http://www.sportpaedagogik-online.de/neuemedienimsportunterricht04.html

I think this website is really helpful for P.E. because it presents so many possibilities for the use of new media.
There are animations or videos which offer typical sequences of movement to present to students. There is also a program which can be used to plan the setting of the different sports equiment.

2. You can use the smartboard to explain tactics to your students. You simply need a picture of a playing field and then you can draw the different players in it, show movements of the players or the ball.
The smartboard is easier for this than a usual blackboard becaue you can demonstrate movement on it and change the position of players more easily.

3. If you want to talk about physiology or anatomy of the human body you can use biology presentations, e.g. about the heart, respiration, bones or muscles. You can find material on smart exchange if you look for muscles, joints or heart.

4. If you want to let the students label certain parts of the body, as muscles, bones or other areas you can use this website because it offers different pictures of the human body.

5. Another possibility is to let students learn more about nutrition and health. Students can learn more about their eating habitsa nd ways to prevent themselves and others from becoming overweight. You can see an example for this in this video.